Listen to the new track by Fire Sale!

Listen to the new track by Fire Sale!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new song by punk rock supergroup Fire Sale! Fire Sale is made up of Matt Riddle (Face to Face, No Use For A Name), Chris Swinney (The Ataris), Pedro Aida (Ann Beretta), and Matt Morris. The song is called "We Dance For Sorrow" and is the B-side of their upcoming two-song single. Speaking to Punknews Chris Swinney said of the song,

"'We Dance For Sorrow' started off as just the verse. I have had that riff knocking around for years, but could never turn it into a song. One night last year, I couldn’t sleep, so I went out to the studio. I wrote the chorus progression and the chromatic bridge riff. When the other guys wrote their parts, it really took shape. We have written and recorded a lot of songs over the last couple of years, but this is one of my favorites. It has a cool melancholy vibe to it, perfect for the fall.”

"We Dance For Sorrow" will be released alongside "A Fool's Errand" everywhere November 18 via Negative Progression Records and you can pre-save it right here. Listen to the track below!

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Listen to the new album by Middle-Aged Queers!

Listen to the new album by Middle-Aged Queers!

Today we are psyched to bring you the premiere of the new album by California's Middle-Aged Queers! The album is called Shout At The Hetero and features seven ripping punk tracks. Speaking to Punknews, the band said of the album,

"COVID canceled tours, day jobs, side hustles, and housing, and the members of Middle-Aged Queers were no exception. This album captures our cathartic release during an uncertain time."

Shout At The Hetero will be available everywhere October 31 via Sell The Heart Records and Say-10 Records. Listen to the album below!

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Listen to the new album by Goalkeeper!

Listen to the new album by Goalkeeper!

Today we are stoked to bring you the premiere of the new album from Philly pop punkers Goalkeeper! The album is called I Wish I Met You Sooner and features ten killer new tracks. Speaking to Punknews about the album, drummer Cody Ritchie said,

"I Wish I Met You Sooner is a record that's so gratifying, it's effortless to get lost in and relate to with just one listen. An emotional thread is set in track one and naturally pulls the listener straight through with hefty pop punk guitar riffs, compelling song writing and chorus melodies that anchor in and stay for the season. This is a huge milestone and we're beyond ready to share it with the world."

I Wish I Met You Sooner will be out everywhere October 28. Listen to the album below!

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Listen to the new track by Grave Danger!

Listen to the new track by Grave Danger!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new song by Chicago based ska-goth band Grave Danger! The song is called "Wake The Dead". Speaking to Punknews, the band said of the track,

"With Wake the Dead we wanted a big, menacing sound, worthy of the Lovecraftian horror that inspired it, to balance out the fun, bouncy horn parts that we love to write. We had a great time working to get the vibe just right for this monstrous love letter to coffee."

"Wake The Dead" will be out everywhere you stream music on October 27 and you can pre-save it right here. Grave Danger released their single "Specter Inspector" in 2021 and their EP Tomb It May Concern in 2019. Listen to the song below!

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Listen to the new cover by Covert Stations!

Listen to the new cover by Covert Stations!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new song by Covert Stations! Covert Stations is a collaborative project that was started by Craig Cirinelli of The Atlantic Union Project that covers "classic songs from the 80s done with a 90s vibe". Each cover features a different lineup. Today we have for you their cover of R.E.M's "The One I Love". The band take a heavier approach to the song that transforms it into a completely new beast while also remaining true to the original. Along with Craig, Adam Staszewski of Desoto Jones/Kiska, Chris Badami of I Can Make a Mess, and Rob Avery formerly of Boysetsfire and currently of Son & Heir play on this track. Speaking to Punknews, Craig (who covered R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion" with Brain Southall in 2011 for a benefit comp) said of the cover,

R.E.M. has resonated with me for a long, long time. When my brain turned it’s attention towards alternative rock, they were already there with such an impressive early catalog and mystery that felt unfamiliar, yet instantly alluring. There’s just something about R.E.M’s purity, aligned with an era of discovery both in music and pop-culture in which they carved their own path through.

Rob Avery also said of his connection to R.E.M,

"I can remember, clear as day, being at my "cooler older" cousin's house as an impressionable 11 year old, scanning his walls looking at all of his band posters, and landing on R.E.M. Weird name, right? I asked him who that was, and he told me their new record, Green had just come out. I had never heard anything like it, my ears were accustomed to Motley Crue or the Beastie Boys. My mind was blown away by what I heard. Tonally, it sounded so different and Stipes voice had genuine emotion that I wasn't used to hearing. I was hooked. To be asked to help out on this song and offer a new take on one of their classic tracks was an honor, keeping true to the song while offering up a lower tuning and a slightly heavier approach was super fun."

"The One I Love" will be available everywhere tomorrow, October 21. Listen to the song below!

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Sic Waiting

Listen to the new track by Sic Waiting!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the new song by Californian punks Sic Waiting a day early! The song is called "Good Things" and is off their upcoming album A Fine Hill To Die On. Speaking to Punknews, singer Jared Stinson said of the song,

"'Good Things’ is a song about when good relationships go bad, and how it’s been an unwilling theme of my own life. And it’s about how, when something happens so many times repeatedly, you have to start looking inward to find the root causes."

A Fine Hall To Die On will be out November 4 via Thousand Island Records / Pee Records / Lockjaw Records. Listen to the song below!

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Listen to the new track by Neckscars!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new track by New York's Neckscars! The track is called "Ray of Pain". Speaking to Punknews the band said of the song,

"'Ray of Pain' started out as an acoustic track I was sitting on last year. I was inspired by a friend finally breaking free from an abusive relationship. The story ends with the promise of a fresh start.”

"Ray of Pain" is off the upcoming FEST 20 COMP that is being released via Sell The Heart Records, Wiretap Records, and Rat Terror Records. The comp features 13 songs that are previously unreleased or out of print by artists including Tsunami Bomb, Sarchasm, Timeshares, Signals Midwest, American Thrills, and Middle-Aged Queers. Proceeds from the sale of the album will go to Baltimore based organization Feed The Scene that provides touring bands with a clean place to stay, hot meals, and help with show booking and promotion. Pre-order for the FEST 20 COMP will go live October 7 and you can do so here and here at that time. Listen to the song below!

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Listen to the new EP by Cluttered and read a track-by-track breakdown!

Today we are super stoked to bring you the premiere of the new EP from Halifax punk band Cluttered! The EP is called Transgender Dystopia Blues and features four killer tracks that you won't be able to stop listening to."Take Me Away" is an extremely catchy new song about heartbreak, "Anchorless" is a wonderfully punked up Weakerthans cover, and "Dysphoria City Limits" and "This Rusted Bike Lock" are reworked versions of two of singer and guitarist Matty Grace's solo songs - originally appearing on her Dysphoria City Limits and Rumination Year EPs respectively. Speaking to Punknews about the EP, Matty said,

"Transgender Dystopia Blues is our new EP and it’s kind of an oddball. The title is kind of an obvious homage to Laura Jane Grace and Against Me!, but it’s pretty dark and I like wordplay. I started performing solo in 2017 and released a slew of EPs and singles from 2020 onwards. A lot of the content of those recordings is deeply steeped in ~feelings~. In 2021 I released a solo EP called Dysphoria City Limits and when Cluttered was discussing new material Dylan [Mombourquette] would regularly be like, “we should do something with Dysphoria City Limits” the EP’s namesake track.

Cluttered has been working on a full length for a while now and we decided to do something as a holdover until that is done. It started with revisiting a couple of the solo songs as a band. That felt a little bit empty - like why not something different or new? So I wrote a new song and we finished a Weakerthans cover we had been toying with. All that being said this is an EP that is also steeped in big feelings; heartache, gender dysphoria, isolation. They’re all there. Just like they might always be.

Transgender Dystopia Blues will be out digitally on October 6. Matty also went through each song and you can read her track-by-track breakdown and listen to the EP below!

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Listen to the new song by GRLwood!

Listen to the new song by GRLwood!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new song by Louisville based rockers GRLwood! The song is called "Kid Bruises" and deals with vocalist Rej Foerster's memories of a physically abusive mother. Speaking to Punknews, Rej said of the song,

"I cried a lot while I was writing this song, suicidal feelings can be really complex to process, even when you're looking at it as a past emotion from a current place of security. I want people's take away from this song to be that its normal to go through hard times and feel loneliness, but I want you to know that you're not alone, and one day you can look back and admire your journey and how far you've come."

"Kid Bruises" will be available digitally everywhere tomorrow and you can pre-save it right here. Listen to the song below!

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Midwestern Medicine

Listen to three new tracks by Midwestern Medicine!

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of three new tracks from Portland, Maine's Midwestern Medicine! The songs are called "In Time", "Buried Badge", and "Cobwebbed Calls to the Queen" and are off their upcoming second album The Gold Baton. Speaking to Punknews, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and pianist Brock Ginther said of the songs,

"Our upcoming second album embraces a wider variety of sounds and subgenres, from janglepop to psychedelic garage rock and more. We wanted to give Punk News readers a sneak peek of some of the more punked-up tracks on the album, which just so happen to be the opening 3 -- convenient! The Gold Baton is streaming everywhere on Friday and we hope these tracks spur on your interest in checking out the rest."

The Gold Baton will be out everywhere September 30 and you can pre-order right here. Listen to the songs below!

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Listen to the new album by Torpedo!

Listen to the new album by Torpedo!

Today we are psyched to bring you the premiere of the new album from Swiss band Torpedo! Orpheo_Nebula features seven tracks full of noisey, punk-y, poetic goodness. Speaking to Punknews, the band said of the album,

"Orpheo_ Nebula is inspired by crossings, wanderings and other astral journeys, almost like initiations, as well as flying saucers. The myth of Orpheus, the need of light air, live and transcend the suffocation of the world we create, the wind in the leaves in the morning. The song and sounds of the world that fill our ears like the sun warms our skin and help us being alive. The need for resilience to get through life. L’Amour. La Liberté. That life is a miracle and it’s up to us to preserve it. The visceral need for verses. For us, the album is synonymous with joyful playing, harmony, pleasure, and an illuminating collective human experience; be, create and go there together and burst out laughing like children."

Orpheo_Nebula will be out everywhere September 16 via Broken Clover Records and you can pre-order it right here. Listen to the album below!

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