Listen to the new song by Crisis Actor!
Today we are thrilled to bring you the premier of the new song by Los Angeles punk trio Crisis Actor! The song is called “Nervous Laughter” and is the first single off their upcoming album Limited Hangout. Speaking to Punknews about the track Tony Knox said,
"'Nervous Laughter' came from a feeling of being persistently baffled at how disastrous events could happen one after another to the point of absurdity, and how it seemed that every person and even the systems involved in most of these situations seemed to be comically inept or cruel. We were looking out at the world and watching everything on a global and national stage seem like such a trainwreck in such an absurd way, that it felt difficult to not laugh at, yet that laughter was always an expression of anxiety more than anything else.
We each brought our own personal take to it with our own lyrics but ultimately that was the seed of the idea. It came together very naturally with the driving almost dance-punk/post-punk style instrumentation that we had been jamming on. When we finally felt all the tracks for the new record, this one included, had been test-driven live long enough we ended up bringing it to House of Tomothy where we refined it even more. Given its content and the moment we felt it was the one to release as the first single off Limited Hangout.”
”Nervous Laughter” will hit streaming on March 14 and you can pre-save it right here. Limited Hangout will be coming your way later this year. Listen to the song below!