Contributed by silverzone, Posted by Kira Wisniewski
Good Riddance announced today that five years after breaking up they are reuniting in 2012. The band posted a statement on their website.
[…]We look forward to reconnecting with so many of you who made our journey possible as well as introducing ourselves to perhaps an entirely new audience of people who may have heard our records but never saw us play.Good Riddance has always been more than a band. We will also be focusing heavily on promoting and advocating for groups and organizations we support which we believe are key in creating a more just and caring world. We will appreciate any support our fans can offer these groups as we endeavor to stretch our music and its power beyond the milieu of simple entertainment.
We look forward to seeing you at a show soon.
Exact tour dates haven't been announced yet, but we'll be sure to post them when they are. You can read the entire statement here.