
It's not punk news, exactly, but I think it's important to draw attention to. According to a number of sources (including George "Dubya" Bush is planning a Faith Services Package. What does this mean? It means US taxpayer money will go to Faith organizations. So, essentially, the government will give money to a Christian group, which can then, use that money to campaign against abortion. Faith organizations are exempt from civil rights laws, so while they can take government money in this form, they can then say, fire someone for being gay, or black, or whatever. This sounds like a very bad thing. I warned y'all about this guy…
Update: As I read through the wealth of very intelligent comments on this article, it has got me thinking. First of all, one reader pointed out that I'm doing some extrapolation here. Guilty. I'm drawing conclusions based on a the little evidence I have, so it's true, that the conclusions are somewhat unfounded. However, two things are true.
1. Bush is planning a Faith-based Services Package.
2. Faith-based organizations (unlike governmental ones) are exempt from civil rights, among other things.
Draw your own conclusions.
(Here is a link to the press release on this subject, from the ACLU.)