"This isn't exactly punk news, but it is something you should all be interested in(and upset with for that matter). Those FUCKING CUNT SHIT COCK fine people at the FCC have fine a Portland radio station $7000 dollars for playing the song "Your Revolution" by DJ Vadim and Sarah Jones(spoken word artist). The grounds are totally bogus, calling the song explicit, yet it is simply a song makign a correlation between sex and revolution. You can read the FCC(Forcefull Caucasian Censors)'s official statement if you are looking for something to make you laugh yet extremely pissed off at the same time. You can hear the original song here. The people at Alternative Tentacles(where i first heard of the story) advocate writing to FCC Chairman Michael "keeping your children safe from all that is evil… and free" Powell at his email mpowell@fcc.gov or calling them at 1-888-225-5322 to express your dissatisfaction with their being judge, jury, and executioner of what is and isn't 'obscene'."
Frankly, I think this is punk news, freedom of speech is about as punk rock as you can get.
Contributed by seek, Posted by Scott Heisel