Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by

"The Punk&Roll band from Barcelona The Amphetamine Eaters are releasing their second album on the southern record label Wild Punk Records. This Rock&Roll CD is full of energy and influences from all over the place. After releasing the pretty succesful debut album "Domestic Violence" (Outline 1999) they have now chosen to move on to Wild Punk Records, PPM´s record label and also to a new fresh style. They have moved from melodic hardcore to Punk & Roll although you will still find leftovers of the old sound deep inside the new songs. They will be touring The U.K. (April 2002) and Germany/Switzerland (May 2002) so all you european punkers can enjoy this excellent Punk Rock Band. You´ll be able to buy this new album from December 2001 at your store. For more info contact WPR through or visit their website at"