It's Sunday August 19th, 2007. Nothing much happened this week. See you next Sunday!
The people must have something good to read on a Sunday
Alright, alright. I'll concede that a few things of note were announced, primarily tours. The hearts of the Punknews audience continue to beat irregularly as the thought of the Lawrence Arms upcoming tour with American Steel and Larry Arms offshoots the Falcon and Sundowner. The first slate of dates for the trek were announced this week. Squat punks Leftover Crack are touring as well, talking along with them a motley crew of bands that includes Toxic Narcotic, I Object and Introp5pect. Silverstein, From Autumn To Ashes and Strike Anywhere have their own tour in the works, set to kick off this October. Bad Religion and UK labelmates Gallows will support their respective recent records with a tour alongside the Briggs. Tiger Army's got that same thing in mind, teaming up with the Street Dogs for a jaunt of their own.
John Reis of Rocket From The Crypt and Drive Like Jehu fame will return to the stage and studio soon with his new act Speedo. He's teaming up with bandmates from Hot Snakes and Swami act CPC Gangbangs this time out. The Loved Ones are in the studio as well, set to record under the loving direction of Pete and Bryan of those Jersey mooches the Bouncing Souls. We had details on a number of upcoming releases this week. This includes the title and recording details on NOFX's live record They've Actually Gotten Worse, a release date for Angels and Airwaves' I-Empire, and track listings for both the Dropkick Murphys' The Meanest of Times and Coheed & Cambria's next album for which I refuse to memorize the title. Epitaph announced their first signing in a while, with the addition of New Hampshire's Our Last Night to their roster. Aiden posted a full album stream of their new record Conviction, and you can thank me for not re-posting their nightmare inducing press photo here again. Finally this week we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the compact disc by spinning a Screeching Weasel tune on the subject. That's it.
Oh… wait… there was also a minor incident in a coffee shop. Tom Gabel of Against Me! may or may not have been involved. Something about a cruller.
Our Video of the Week featured live footage of Colorado's Signal To Noise, the third part of our feature from our recent Gaslight Anthem tag along. We talked to MU330 frontman and solo artist Dan Potthast this week as well (interview) The fourth edition of Vinyl File was a doozy. We chatted with Billy Hamilton of Silverstein about his Hot Water Music collection, and dude -- it's epic. We also streamed new music from Philadelphia's the Low Budgets, featuring Joe Jack Talcum of the Dead Milkmen, a new track from third wave ska mainstays Mustard Plug, the new full length from Philadelphia's Jena Berlin, and the new record from Toronto's reggae-influenced three piece Bedouin Soundclash.
Click Read More to see this week's contests, streaming music and more.
Radio Free Punknews
Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of anticipated new music including Asian Man band The Hot Toddies, The Riot Before's upcoming EP, the return full length from 3rd wave ska act Buck-O-Nine, three songs from celebrated hardcore band Modern Life Is War, Dear Tonight's debut We're Not Men, UK based melodic hardcore act called the Steal, songs from Cobra Skulls' new Red Scare full-length Sitting Army, and six songs from the new Menzingers full-length.
Suntans are for Winners F*ck Yeah Fest!
On August 25th and 26th. Echo Park in Los Angeles, California will be coming alive with the 2007 edition of Fuck Yeah fest As with previous years, the show is curated by Keith Morris and promoter Sean Carlson. The bill is a big one, particularly for fans of bands who rarely play live. Saturday will feature The Explosion's final West Coast show, American Steel, Partyline (ex-Bratmobile), The Fleshies, Busdriver and more. The Sunday will include Deerhunter, Pissed Jeans, Jay Reatard, the Nice Boys and many others. To celebrate this, the promoters handed us some free stuff to give to one lucky winner. To ensure you'll have a good time, you'll get two passes to the shows, two of the extra special silkscreened Raymond Pettibon posters and a 12 pack of "age appropriate" drinks.
New Found Glory: From the Screen to Your Stereo, Part 2
In a few weeks New Found Glory will be marking their return to the independent world with the release of From The Screen To Your Stereo, Part 2. The album is a "sequel" to the band's popular 2000 release, From the Screen to Your Stereo. To mark this occasion, the band has provided us with a pile of commemorative swag and since our swag coffers are currently overflowing with major label payola as well as free Bentleys, we've decided to give it to you instead. Besides a copy of the new record, the band has provided some drumsticks used in the recording session, two vinyl records and more.
Win a guitar from Eisley
With their new album set to drop this week, Eisley, has decided to give one of you an acoustic guitar. Using it, you can start up your own folk/punk group, sign to a succession of ever larger indies before making the jump to a major label and freaking everybody out. The band's new record is titled Combinations and is due out August 14, 2007. You can catch Eisley on a whirlwind tour through the United States beginning in early September.
Staff Blogs
When not writing about music on the internet, many members of the Punknews staff find time to write about music on the internet. You can check out the depraved musings of Adam White at 2:59, Justin August has some Kinder Words for you, while Chris Moran's all over the place with content rocking both MySpace and Flickr. Reviewer Jesse Raub posts short fiction and web comics to Things That Go Bump In My Head and his zine Bitter Press.
Super Powers Enable Me To Blend In With Machinery
We've theorized that you visit other websites out there, and we know it can be tough to leave the calming blue glow of the `Org, so we'll help by infecting the rest of the web with Punknews content. Waste some time on the Punknews.org and Punknews Records MySpace pages, the Punknews.org Facebook Group, and contribute your listening habits to the weekly charts Last.fm group.
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