Contributed by wes_ocp, Posted by Aubin Paul
A post from Jawbreaker's Adam Pfahler has some interesting updates on the long–broken up band's current projects and mentions a recent reunion performance though does not reveal too much else about future plans:
Yes, the documentary is still on, still being made. The hold up is that Keith and Tim have yet to find a distributor who is willing to pony up the closing costs to finish this thing (flights, editing time, blowing it up to 35mm. etc.). So they are doing this as a labor of love in between their regular gigs and family time. I trust this love bodes well for the finished product.A few months back they came to SF and we got some really great footage with all three of us and Billy Anderson (who worked on Bivouac, 24 Hour Revenge Therapy and a couple one–offs as a producer/engineer). We even played together, but didn't roll footage out of both respect for the sanctity of the moment and fear that we'd suck. Anyway, I have audio of it. Maybe I'll post that some day.
The influential and beloved band split up in 1996 but a steady stream of releases from Adam's Blackball Records have followed.