Jawbreaker drummer Adam Pfahler has unveiled plans for an eventual reissue of the band's first full–length, Unfun.
The news came via a MySpace bulletin where Pfahler mentions that he will hit the studio in February with Jon Golden to remaster the album. No additional details were announced, though he did say "it'll be available on itunes [sic] and all the other usual suspects." The album will presumably be released via Pfahler's Blackball label, which has issued a number of post–breakup releases from the band, including 1999's Live 4/30/96, 2002's collections disc Etc. and 2004's Dear You reissue.
Unfun was originally released in 1990 via Shredder Records.
Pfahler also gave some additional information on the "reunion" of sorts that took place last year:
a few "new items" i read mentioned the doc and us playing together. it was a reunion of sorts – we hadn't seen billy a since our last sf show in 1996. but i doubt i'll put up any songs from that recent session. the best one is way too long a file to upload, and anyway, i didn't even ask the boys if they had an opinion – bad.