Contributed by childofpunk76, Posted by

with his info from It's an email they received from the band:
On April 1st, Equal Vision Records artist, American Nightmare, was asked to change their name by a Philadelphia band of the same name. Because the Philadelphia band possesses the trademark for the name "American Nightmare," they are seeking damages caused them and their reputation. They have requested that AN immediately cease all use of the name. The issue is now in the hands of lawyers, and AN is confident that an agreement will be reached. Here's what the band has to say about it:
"We are keeping busy throughout all of this and trying not to let it get to us. We are planning on going back out for tour in May, and then do a few festivals throughout the Summer in the US and the UK. After that we plan on taking a couple needed months off from touring to practice and record our new record. Thanks so much for the support and hope to see you soon at some of the shows."