Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%
by Sunday Edition

We've theorized that you visit other websites out there, and we know it can be tough to leave the calming blue glow of the `Org, so we'll help by infecting the rest of the web with Punknews content:

Your trusty Punknews staffers and reviewers have all sorts of projects on the go, everything from poorly spelled and oft neglected blogs to big official world domination schemes. Make sure to check out videographer Chris Moran's collection of recordings online at Vimeo, social media editor Justin August's tumblog at, news editor Adam White's tumblog at, news editor Bryne Yancey's podcast What We Hate, copy editor Jesse Raub's short fiction webzine Bitter Press, and reviews editor Brian Shultz' blogs Over Looked and Witness.

Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.

In our everprogressing search to abuse the internet in every single way possible, we've started the official Punknews Wave! What's Google Wave? Good question. We're not quite sure yet but this weekend we gave away a bunch of invites via Twitter (one of the great benefits of following us is weird stuff like that) and we're taking over GoogleLand.