by Adam White
Our good friend and past-Punknews contributor Hein Terweduwe of PunkUpdates.com is putting together Rockfest in Schaffen, Belgium. The May 15th event will feature bands like Street Dogs, The Flatliners, Vanna, Rise And Fall, The Casting Out, The Real Danger and Dead And Divine.
- The Ghost Inside (USA)
- Deez Nuts (AUS)
- The Real Danger (HOL)
- Campus
- Dead And Divine (CAN)
- Bury Tomorrow (UK)
- The Flatliners (CAN)
- Rise And Fall
- The Casting Out (USA)
- Vanna (USA)
- The Street Dogs (USA)
- Emarosa (Usa)
Outside Stage:
- A Strength Within
- Joris Vanthienen
- Makeshift Hearts (Rockfest Rally Winner)
- Daktari (Rockfest Rally Winner)
- The Priceduifkes
- Grey Like Masquerade