We've been contacted by filmmakers working on an upcoming PBS documentary hoping that some of our Punknews readers might be able to help with some needed band footage/photography from the Wetlands venue in NY. It is very specific, so pay attention:
We are working on a documentary film that includes a short section highlighting the old Wetlands club in NYC. We're hoping to fill some footage gaps in this sequence and are looking for the following:
1) Video footage of bands who played Wetlands during the late 90s. In particular, we're looking for recordings of Avail and/ or Chocking Victim, but we are open to other (ideally environmental or political) punk bands. But please note: since we are a PBS film, the music cannot be overly dissonant or aggressive -- so we're excluding hardcore and classic '77 punk oriented acts.
2) Video footage or photographs of Wetlands atmosphere --bouncers/ door folks ripping tickets, lines out front, the bar in action, crowds, beer flowing from the tap, etc.
We do have an archival budget -- so we are prepared to license the material and arrange for proper compensation and accreditation. Thanks in advance for your help!
If you're interested, contact Sam Cullman via email.