
How many no name bands does it take to frustrate a editor? Well, count all these up:
Fastcrash, The Box Social, Lost City Angels, The GrandPrixx, And So It Begins, Fundamental, Sonny, The Butcher Boys, Requiem, The Sex Machines, Punching Judy, The Schematics, The Beligerants, Name Brand
All these bands have submitted news about new webpages/mp3s/etc., and all are posted below. This is knocking down the pile.


  • Fastcrash punk rock band from depok,Indonesia. You can hear our mp3 on our official site at or, we need your comment (bad or good)…and if you want to contact us please send your e-mail to


  • The Box Social , an emotional punk rock band from London Ontario has a new website up finally. fans of digger, saves the day, fairweather, and new found glory please check us out! thanks!


  • The Lost City Angels have a new album coming out September 17, it is self titled and mp3s are available at Nitro's Lost City Angel's site.

  • After 4 years, a demo, 4 7-inches, one EP on Dirty work records, and a brand new full length on Fork in hand records, The GrandPrixx have called it quits. This energetic pop-punk band from Wilbraham, MA has won over countless fan’s with their blazing speed and catchy song writing abilities. Someone tell me this isn’t true. Any fan of screeching weasel would be proud of this band. Please do yourself a favor and pick up their final full length at or It’s only 15 songs for 5 dollars. Support one of the hardest working DIY bands in New England. Also Check out for songs off those albums.
  • and so it begins is currently in the process of wrapping up their new full length record due out in february on negative progression records. in the mean time, they will be doing a ton of shows throughout new england in support of their e.p that comes out very soon on rock out records.
  • Go to Fundamental Band take a listen of the 3 songs and let them know what you think. A full album is on it's way. Feedback wanted.
  • Fastmusic band Sonny just posted "40 in a 35"- a new song from their upcoming album called "A Temporary Remedy" at
  • Ok The Butcher Boys finally got one of 5 mp3's up on The song that is up right now is The Exorcist. check it out and see what you think. feedback is always good, so feel free to let us know.
  • The new Requiem EP is out now, so go to and download it if you want or contact the band to get a hold of one.

  • High-energy, rock n' roll explosion The Sex Machines are currently touring across the country. Come on out and support the revolution. Check the website for tour dates and MP3's.
  • Massachusett Punk Rock n Rollers Punching Judy have realeased 6 new MP3's on their website . We interviewed them and they say "Those songs will change your life , OK maybe not who cares, its the best we’ve done and there only getting better". You can email us at for the issue with the Punching Judy interview.

  • Take one part Bosstones, one part The Specials, and one part Less Than Jake, add in some good old fashioned two-tone ska and you've got The Schematics! We have just completed the mixdown to our second release, Gas Station Sushi, and are getting ready to tour in support. If you aren't familiar with our brand of ska goodness, don't worry. Just go to our page here.

    In addition, we are headling The Chance Theater in Poughkeepsie, NY on August 30th. We are sending an invitation to any and all record labels who might be curious. We will pay for you to travel from NYC to Poughkeepsie on the train and will get you on the guest list to check out the show. Have some beers, hang out with the locals and see what we're all about. Just go to our website link above and click on contact to email us so we know to hook you up. See you at the show!!!

  • after 2 years the beligerants website is up,although un finished there will be more to come,watch for more from this fastpaced hardcore punk band from rochester new york.
  • Name Brand has just released a promotional copy of their second EP entitled, "Self-Titled" for sale on The whole album can be previewed and 2 of the songs are downloadable for free @ … The band also has a new webpage (