by Podcast

We at the Org are excited to welcome all three of our listeners to a very special live event! Tonight we're recording the roundtable of the weekly Punknews Podcast live on Google+. It's streaming on YouTube and you can find the video by clicking below! Come join us, leave a comment, ask a question, or mock our ugly trollish visages.

Why all the pomp and ceremony? This is show number 100 for us. For (more or less) 100 weeks straight we've recorded our uneducated and unrequested thoughts on the week's punk news for your listening pleasure. Of course our method of partying involves everyone sitting alone in their bedrooms and chatting on the Internet, which is pretty much how we've all lived the past decade anyways.

So click below to join the show. We have no idea if it will even work. If you want to yell at us on Twitter use the hashtag #punknews100. If you miss us, or honestly have something better to do, the results of this debacle will be recorded and available via the podcast feed later this week (RSS / iTunes).

UPDATE: We're done! Thanks to everyone to commented on Twitter and YouTube. The archived video can be seen below.

Punknews Podcast for the week for June 19, 2012