Our friends at GlueHC are reporting that Danny Marianino of the North Side Kings is preparing to release a book, entitled Don't Ever Punch a Rockstar: A Collection of Hate Mail and Other Crazy Rumors.
Marianino, who famously (within punk circles at least) punched Glenn Danzig in 2004, maintains that hate mail and rumours have followed him ever since, and he has decided to include the most noteworthy examples in the book. A blurb on the book's Facebook page reads as follows:
Since the altercation between Glenn Danzig and Danny Marianino in 2004, Danny has been saving and collection a slew of hate mail, derogatory posts on blogs and messages that are so ridiculous it will blow your mind. Finally, some of the best bullshit following this event has been compiled into an amusing book detailing the events leading up and after a bad decision on both sides escaladed. Don't Ever Punch a Rockstar profiles a regular guys journey in music and learning to shrug off one of the most opinionated events in music history.
Rumours of Undefeated, the big budget Hollywood feature based on the incident, remain entirely imaginary.