Signals Midwest

Cleveland, OH's Signals Midwest will be heading west for a month of shows on the west coast, southwest and midwest. They continue to support Latitudes and Longitudes, released in 2011 via Tiny Engines.

7.13Kalamazoo, MIFat Guy House
7.14Chicago, ILTownship
7.15Madison, WIThe Frequency
7.16Des Moines, IATba
7.17Lawrence, KSReplay Lounge
7.19Wichita, KSJohn Barleycorn’s
7.20Ft. Worth, TX1919 Hemphill
7.21Denton, TXDdrk House
7.22Austin/san Antonio, TXTba
7.24Tucson, AZThe Pound
7.25Mesa, AZLofi Coffee
7.26Las Vegas, NVBikini Bar
7.27Pomona, CA*Vlhs
7.28San Diego, CA*Bar Eleven
7.29Los Angeles, CA*Blue Star Bar
7.30Ventura, CA*Billy O’s
7.31Fresno, CA*C.a.f.e. Infoshop
8.1San Francisco, CA*Tba
8.3Portland, ORKatie O’briens
8.4(early Show) Bellevue, WAGround Zero Teen Center
8.4(late Show) Seattle, WATba
8.5Bellingham, WAMake.shift Art Space (formerly Jinx)
8.6Boise, IDThe Crux
8.7Salt Lake City, UTTba
8.8Denver, COBlast-o-mat
8.9Lincoln, NEKnickerbocker’s
8.10Normal, ILFirehouse Pizza & Pub
8.11Indianapolis, INVibes Music
8.12Cleveland, OHNow That’s Class

* w/ The French Exit