The Dismemberment Plan have posted a link to download their song stems to make it easier for fans to remix their songs. Frontman Travis Morrison said on the band's website:
The actual resources page on our site is now a bunch of soundcloud embeds. There are also .ZIP files for downloading all the sounds at once, which Soundcloud doesn't allow. You can download individual tracks from the Soundcloud embeds if that's what floats your goat.One cool thing about this is that "regular folks" can just go over and listen to the raw tracks. Which I think is a pretty interesting experience. […]
Hopefully when the new record is done we'll be sure to post some new tracks to play with, marvel at, cringe in embarrassment at, and so on. And if you do a remix, don't be hide your light under a bushel. Post it on Soundcloud or YouTube and send us a link. Tweet at us or post on our Facebook page or email us or whatever.
The band confirmed in October that they were working on new material. You can see the whole post and the link to download here.