Joe Young, the founding guitarist of Charlotte, NC-based punk act ANTiSEEN has passed away. Young was 54 years old. Vocalist Jeff Clayton confirmed the unfortunate news on a Facebook post that read "RIP dear friend. See you on the other side." A memorial service will be held on May 18th at Charlotte's Tremont Music Hall, with donations to Young's family welcome at the antiseenjc@yahoo.com PayPal account.
ANTiSEEN have been incredibly prolific since their formation in 1983, releasing material on labels like TKO Records, Sub Pop and Man's Ruin. They collaborated with GG Allin for 1991's Murder Junkies album. Most recently the band put out a split single in 2013 on TKO with the Meatmen, and a collaboration with Nunslaughter on Hell's Headbangers.