Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new video by Dear Youth.
Influenced by the modern pop-punk stalwarts like Taking Back Sunday and Brand New, Dear Youth focus on a plaintive, wistful melodies built over top of a shimmering, acoustic backing. In fact, "Reprise" features singer Emily Ronna and focuses on the aftermath of a particularly messy breakup.
Dear Youth's Jared Zuckerman spoke to Punknews about the video: "'Reprise' is a song about getting stuck in a determined moment of life. Times in which we aspire and set certain projections on relationships that actually do not exist. This ultimately creates a place where feelings are not reciprocated. This song is about the prisons we build that limit our own potential to move on and become something different, something better."
You can order the band's new EP right here. Meanwhile, check out the new video below, right now!