Today, Punknews is just tickled pink to debut the new video by Disaster Strikes! AND, it includes a guest spot from the High-Minister-of-Mischief himself, Jello Biafra! Whoa!
If you don't know Disaster Strikes by now, you should. The band has been kicking out some of the nastiest, meanest, most headripping hardcore there is for 15 years now. And on their new single, the band takes aim at corporate control over America. Never in the history of the USA, has this been more applicable. (Hell, a CEO who has refused to divest from his company is our president! Uggh!) Plus, Mr. Biafra comes in to add that extra kick with one of his trademark rants before throwing in some of his iconic vocals to the mix.This track is a burner, people.
Order their new album at Alternative Tentacles right now. Meanwhile, you can check out the new vid below!