by Music

Punk supergroup Great Collapse released a new track off of their newly announced album. The track is called "Meltdown!" and will be released on their upcoming album titled Neither Washington Nor Moscow… Again!. The record is titled Neither Washington Nor Moscow… Again! and is due out January 26, 2018 through End Hits Records. The band will also be heading out on a Europe and the UK this January and February. See below to listen to the new track and to view the tour dates.

Tour dates

26.01.2018DE WermelskirchenAjz Bahndamm Wermelskirchenw/ Shoreline
27.01.2018DE BraunschweigB58 - Braunschweigs behänder Live-Club!w/ Shoreline
28.01.2018DE ZwieselJugendcafe Zwieselw/ Shoreline
29.01.2018DE LeipzigConne Islandw/ Shoreline
31.01.2018DE BerlinBadehaus Berlinw/ Shoreline
01.01.2018DE HamburgKnust Hamburgw/ Dave Hause
02.02.2018DE ColognePalladium Köln (Family First Festival)w/ Boysetsfire
03.02.2018DE NeunkirchenStummsche Reithallew/ Shoreline
04.02.2018BE MechelenDe Club-
05.02.2018UK LondonNew Cross Inn-
06.02.2018UK BristolExchange-
07.02.2018UK BrightonSticky Mike's Frog Bar-
08.02.2018FR ParisLa Mécanique Ondulatoire-
09.02.2018DE LindauClub Vaudeville-
10.02.2018AT LinzKultur Gasthaus Auerhahn Linz-
11.02.2018SI LjubljanaGala Hala-
12.02.2018AT Wiener NeustadtJugend- und Kulturhaus TRIEBWERK-
13.02.2018CZ PragueEternia Smichov-
14.02.2018DE KoblenzCircus Maximus-
15.02.2018DE HannoverMusikZentrum Hannoverw/ Rogers
16.02.2018DE HamburgLogo Hamburgw/ Rogers
17.02.2018DE EssenZeche Carlw/ Rogers