Scott: Well shit. I listened to the new Weakerthans album pretty much nonstop over the past 2 weeks while I was in Russia, and fully intended on making "Plea From A Cat Named Virtue" my MP3 of the week upon returning. Then I find out Epitaph already posted it. I guess it's time to post another of my favorite tracks from the new disc, and what better one to post than the song that takes a guitar solo straight from the pages of Wyld Stallyons?
The Weakerthans - Prescience Of Dawn - UPDATE: this should be the full MP3 now, I think my FTP client messed up the upload earlier. Please re-download!
For more info on the Weakerthans, head to

Aubin: There was a band called Lifetime. Lifetime begat Kid Dynamite. Later, Kid Dynamite begat two bands. One, was a melodic rock affair called None More Black, the other was something different altogether.
Paint It Black - Wombicide
Go visit Paint It Black.

Adam: I'm listening to the new Warsawpack record "Stocks and Bombs" for the first time and it's pretty damn good. Here's an instrumental jam from the upcoming disc titled "Wolfblitzer." It's a good display of the band's rock / hip hop / jazz fusion:
Warsawpack - Wolfblitzer