Well, here's one for you. As reported by Loudwire and Stereogum, yesterday, Cedric Bixler-Zavala of The Mars Volta and At The Drive-In had to put down his dog. He states the reason for this is that the dog was poisoned by Scientologists as part of a campaign of harassment against him.
In 2017, Cedric's wife Chrissie Carnell Bixler accused Danny Masterson (of that '70s show and Scientology fame) of raping her. Several other women made similar accusations. Masterson has denied all claims.
In August, Bixler-Zavala, Carnell Bixler, and other accusers filed a lawsuit against Masterson and the Church Of Scientology alledging that the group has been stalking and harassing them. It looks like the matter is escalating. Last night, Bixler-Zavala posted an instagram dispatch: "I’m at the vet dealing with another hurt animal. This is what I’ve been finding in my front and backyard. [he included a picture of rat poison rolled up in raw meat.] This is what scientology does when you speak about the predators they protect … This is the 2nd dog we’ve had to put down due to the harassment from private investigators and Scientologists. This only makes us stronger." The church of Scientology has not yet responded. See Cedric's full statements below.