Mei-Ling Koller, SOIA guitar tech, says No Fun at All singer assaulted her, band responds and denies

by John Gentile
Mei-Ling Koller is the guitar tech for Sick Of It All. She is also married to Pete Koller of the band. Earlier today, she stated that while at Brackrock fest, when she was stringing guitars, she was assaulted by Ingemar Jansson of No Fun At All, who had just walked off stage. In short, the singer walked off stage and, according to Mei-Ling, pushed and picked up the guitar tech. Pete confirmed the story. You can see Pete's instagram post below, which copies-aand-pastes Mei-Ling's post, which is currently set to private.
No fun At All have issued a response. They stated that while there was an altercation, the events did not transpire as described by the SOIA camp. You can also see the band's response below.