Tigers Jaw have announced a few dates this October in the Philly/New Jersey area as well as California as they make their way to Las Vegas for When We Were Young Fest. Tickets for this run of dates are already on sale. See below to check out the details.
Date | Venue | Details | Location |
OCT 12 THU | Philly Music Fest 2023 | Yowler | Philadelphia, PA, United States |
OCT 13 FRI | Crossroads | Yowler | Garwood, NJ, United States |
OCT 14 SAT | Crossroads | Another Michael | Garwood, NJ, United States |
OCT 16 MON | The Roxy Theatre | PHONYSoft Blue Shimmer | Los Angeles, CA, United States |
OCT 18 WED | Madonna Inn | Joyce ManorAJJ | San Luis Obispo, CA, United States |
OCT 19 THU | Riverside Municipal Auditorium | Joyce ManorAJJ | Riverside, CA, United States |
OCT 21 SAT | When We Were Young 2023 | Plain White T'sGym Class HeroesThe VeronicasMotion City SoundtrackThirty Seconds to MarsSum 41Rise AgainstYellowcardThe Academy Is…Say AnythingNew Found GloryRelient KThriceGreen DayLitGood CharlotteMichelle BranchThe OffspringBowling for SoupSomething CorporateSimple PlanLess Than JakeGoldfingerSaves the DayMxPxAll Time LowThe AtarisZebraheadFinchFenix TXPierce the VeilThe MovielifeBlink-182CitizenSet It Off30 Seconds To Mars.The Front BottomsThe WrecksJoyce ManorMovementsTurnoverAJJ5 Seconds Of SummerWaterparksKnuckle PuckNo PressureGames We PlayHot MulliganTravie McCoyBeach BunnyMagnolia ParkKennyHooplaJean DawsonEKKSTACY | Las Vegas, NV, United States |