Bad Nerves

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new album by UK-based punks Bad Nerves! The album is called Still Nervous and features 12 rocking new tracks. We caught up with lead vocalist Bobby Nerves to hear all about each of the tracks. Still Nervous is out everywhere today via Lowly. Listen to the album and read a track-by-track breakdown below!

Still Nervous Track-By-Track Breakdown

”Don't Stop”

It’s an observation of the grey sludge that oozes from all corners of a society run by cash cow psychopaths. It’s Monopoly on speed, fed through a meat-grinder and shoved down your throat. It’s a call to action to peacefully oppose the status quo before it turns us all into jellified pulp.


”Antidote” is a genre-bending Frankenstein pop song about pleasure seeking. I wanted to write a song with a pace that would bring any human drummer to their knees.


Semi-inspired by Liam Lynch’s “United States of Whatever” and Sham 69s “Borstal Breakout”, I initially wanted to see if I could write a track where I just sang “United States of America” on repeat, but that got a little tedious. I believe this song is the reason we ended up touring the States. We had no plans for America at all and then a few weeks after I wrote this song, Royal Blood invited us to support them on the tour of the east coast. Music is magic!

”You've Got The Nerve”

This came about because the radio DJ John Kennedy emailed me a song idea he had written lyrics for. I tweaked one of the lines from his lyrics and that became the title of the song. I was listening to “Blitzkrieg Bop” when I made this too. I wanted to do my own version of that legendary song.

”Plastic Rebel”

This song is about Will Power being the greatest living guitarist on earth. It’s a tribute to him.


“Sorry” is about accidentally dipping your butter knife into your best friends mum’s homemade Diana-Memorial strawberry jam and ruining the whole batch. Sorry Sue.


“Television” is about watching TV 24 hours a day, non-stop forever, until you die and go to hell where they have even bigger televisions, which you have to watch for all eternity as punishment for wasting all your time on earth. The adverts are longer and louder, the shows are duller and stupider, the TV guide button on the remote controller doesn’t work so you have to browse channels the old fashioned way.

”Jimmy The Punk”

“Jimmy” is about a kid from Sao Paulo who flies to New York City to heal the world with his music.


”Alright” is about always looking on the brightside. This too shall pass. Positive thoughts have a power. Everything will be alright!

”You Should Know By Now”

This track is about snapping your rear-view mirror off and shoving it down your throat to try and catch an inside glimpse of the knife as it stabs you in the back.

”Too Lazy To Love”

This song is about falling in and out of love. Never really knowing what you want. Confusion and chaos everywhere.

”The Kids Will Never Have Their Say”

I don’t really know what this is about, the end of the world, maybe?