John Jughead has a new album by a fake band that is now real coming out! Check out the debut videos!

Today, we are extremely psyched to debut, not one, but TWO videos by John Jughead! He has a brand new album coming out on July 26 and it's with Jughead's new band Semi-Famous…
Wait… Semi-Famous… isn't that the FICTIONAL band from Jughead's 2001 book Weasels in a Box? Yes, it is, except now the band is REAL and they've recorded a full album as inspired by the novel. Semi-Famous includes Jughead, Ryan Rockwell of Mixtapes, Billy Brown of Crash and Burn, Tyson Cornell of Scooby Don’t, and now they just added Polli, formerly of Bombpops.
Jughead tells Punknews, ""One of my most favorite periods of Screeching Weasel was during the rehearsal for Wiggle. Ben would introduce a new song, and then since he was not playing an instrument at that time he would leave. Then me, Johnny Personality, Dan Panic, and Dan Vapid would spend the rest of the time rehearsing the songs and also playing around, having fun. We loved playing together. So when writing songs in the genre of early pop-punk for Semi-Famous, I definitely wanted Vapid to write a song for us. He penned 'Clown In The Window.' And we replicated it exactly from his audio file and video rehearsal sent to us."
He adds, "The intention from the beginning was to take the fictional band of Semi-Famous out of my book Weasels In A Box, and to record some songs under that name for the audiobook release. We had so much fun writing in a form that most of us had not been engaging in for years, so we decided to write more. But the thing that happened is, even though still influenced by Screeching Weasel, the songs took on their own life. I have high regard for the songs written by Ben Weasel and Dan Vapid, and I have always stayed away from trying to sound like them. I don’t have the vocal talent of Vapid, or the humorous darkness of Ben, so it made sense that Ryan and my emulation of that time period would sound different from the originals. Semi-Famous’ music will continue to be inspired by that music and the music's multiple time periods but, especially with the writing of Poli van Dam and inspiration of Billy Brown, our sound will continue to grow in exciting new directions.”
Both videos feature the classic Jughead pop-punk rush, but they also expand on, instead of being limited by, that classic 1-2-3-4 attack. They rock.
You can pre-order the new album right here and you can check out both new vids, below, right now!