Chubby And The Gang

Chubby and The Gang have announced that they will be releasing a new album. It is called Ant Then There Was… and will be out on October 4 via Flatspot Records. The band has also released a video for their new song “To Be Young” which was directed by Nick Suchak. Chubby and The Gang released The Mutt’s Nuts in 2021. Check out the video and tracklsit below.

And Then There Was… Tracklist

Neither The Day, Nor The Hour

There’s A Devil In The Jukebox

To Be Young

The Bonnie Banks

The Ravelin


Some To Make You Better, Some To Make You Sick

To Fade Away

Company I Don’t Want To Keep

Love Song (A Response)

Since You Said Goodbye


A Lust For More

Wish You Were Here

Two Hearts

Cocaine Sunday