For a little while, rumors have circulated that Dixxon clothing was right wing or even extremely right wing- a number of unverified images have cropped up that appeared to suggest that Dixxon clothing sold far right t-shirts, including one that said "Fuck Antifa." Dixxon has "collaborated" with a number of bands wherein Dixxon makes flannel shirts that have colors that match the colors associated with famous album covers. Rancid, Nofx,Suicidal Tendencies, Cro-Mags, Wisdom in Chains, Metallica and even Bob Marley. The Punk Rock Museum also had a shirt planned through Dixxon.
Earlier this summer, Kepi Ghoulie was made aware of the issue and was disappointed that bands he had supported and covered were associated with Dixxon. For about six weeks, Kepi reached out to various bands and the Punk Rock Museum. Most bands did not respond. The PRM did respond, promising to set up a meeting with Kepi, but then postponed said meetings.
After a meeting postponement, Kepi published a post on instagram, detailing his frustration and essentially throwing his hands up in the air. A Dixxon Operations Executive then left a comment on Kepi's post attacking Kepi (though the comment did state that Dixxon are not fascists). Around that same time, A Dixxon manager who goes by Dixxondoug online, posted an image of Trump victoriously raising his fist in the air after being shot, with the phrase "It's time America." The post also included a musical clip of Pantera's "Rise." As you know, Pantera has previously faced racism/facism issues.
After Kepi's post where he expressed frustration, he did in fact get to talk with Fat Mike of Nofx, who was on tour. After Kepi and Mike talked, Kepi posted a concluding statement. Kepi stated that Mike was unaware of the situation as he was on tour and his people didn't want to bother him. Kepi also stated that the Punk Museum/Nofx has agreed to end all dealings with Dixxon. Most of the other bands associated with Dixxon did not make a statement. If anything else develops, we will let you know. You can see some relevant instagram posts below.