Parker Woodland

Today we are thrilled to bring you the premier of the new song by Austin, Texas-based power trio Parker Woodland! The song is called “Just In Case” and is off their upcoming album There’s No Such Thing as Time. Speaking about the song to Punknews, singer and bassist Erin Walter said,

I love that "Just In Case" feels like the sequel to our theme song "The World's On Fire (and We Still Fall in Love)." It answers the question of what happens to a hopeless romantic like me in the apocalypse. Turns out we'll do anything -- find a new planet, meet in a dream state, memorize the other person's face so you can find them in the next life. Whatever it takes, as the lyrics suggest: "Just in case the oceans rise and sweep our cities to the side / and stars flame out while monsters take our place / you know how to find me”.

Musically, for this song especially and for the whole album, Andrew and I spent time looking for shared musical interests and influences, since we were strangers when we started writing together. We found common ground in Jimmy Eat World, Rainer Maria, Built to Spill, and even Blink-182, as we both love the Mark Hoppus Signature Fender P-bass that I've been playing since 2002. All three of us in Parker Woodland also discovered a shared obsession with certain horror movies, so there are "Easter eggs" in the lyrics about Cabin in the Woods, 28 Days Later, Night of the Comet and more. I hate to give spoilers, but Cabin fans should recognize the epic drama at the end of "Just In Case.”

There’s No Such Thing as Time will be out on September 6 via Flak Records. Listen to the new song below!