Bikini Kill

Olympia, Washington has announced that August 23 will be Bikini Kill Day. The proclamation announcing the day reads in part,

The band’s influence extends far beyond their music, symbolizing resistance, empowerment, and the fight for gender equality, and inspiring generations of artists and activists;

and WHEREAS the City of Olympia recognizes the cultural and historical significance of Bikini Kill, whose members have not only contributed to our local music scene but have also brought international attention to our city as a hub of progressive thought and artistic innovation; and

WHEREAS, the City of Olympia acknowledges that during that formative years of the Riot Grrrl movement, we did not recognize the significance of the movement, the power of the message behind the music and the revolutionary artists creating it; and

WHEREAS, the City of Olympia recognizes the importance of preserving the legacy of Bikini Kill, the Riot Grrrl movement, and our independent music scene as vital parts of our community’s history and identity; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I Dontae Payne, Mayor of the City of Olympia, do hereby proclaim August 23, 2024 as Bikini Kill Day.

There will be a ceremony on August 23 that will feature the mayor and city officials along with the band and will be streamed on the Instagram page of South Sound Block Party which Bikini Kill is heading that day. Bikini Kill are currently touring North America. Lead singer Kathleen Hanna released her memoir Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk earlier this year.