
Earlier this year Sick Of It All shared that he had been diagnosed with cancer. The band has posted an update video from him on their Instagram page. In the video he says,

Hey, everybody. It’s Lou. I’m here in my recovery room. Hope you’re all doing good. Give you a little update. The first week of chemo was almost two weeks ago. It’s like a week and a half since I had it. And the first three days were brutal. Not fun at all. It got gradually better, and now I feel more like myself. I feel really good this past weekend and today. Luckily, nothing, no complications. And the second round starts this weekend coming up. Hopefully won’t be as bad, but who knows?

Anyway, I will keep you updated a lot more often, but it’s kind of hard for me to come on here for my vanity because I can’t dye my hair, my beard. I feel like I look like shit. But thank you all for your support, thank you for your continued support, emotionally, financially, whatever. You don’t know how much this is helping me. And please look out for the guys in the band, and take care of each other. Thank you.

You can see the video in full below. We wish Lou a speedy recovery.