Today, we are psyched to debut the new track by Ezra Cohen and the Big City Band!
The band's new single is exactly what YOU, the PUNKNEWS reader, wants to hear- the crew bends crunchy, melodic punk around a down-home twang. It's a full-bodied rocker with the heaert on the sleeve, but there's some hayseeds here and there.
Speaking to Punknews, Ezra said: "Fire Escape is one of the first songs we wrote for this record. I think it really exemplifies what we do well as a band and showcases how collaborative the writing for this record was. When I wrote it I was drawing a lot of inspiration from Tom Petty. It’s a song that always had promise, but the band was really able to help me bring to life.”
Worse For The Wear is Out October 25th via Dead Broke records. You can pick up the LP right here! You can also check out the new single below, right now!
Oct 27th - Gainesville FL @ The Bill (Fest 22)
Nov 2nd - Dover NH @ Auspicious Brew w/ Me In Capris, Maxwell Stern, Grublord (Release show)
Nov 3rd - Malden MA @ Faces w/Me In Capris, Maxwell Stern, Hedge, Fucko (Release show)