Fauxchella has announced its lineup for this year. Home Is Where, Carly Cosgrove, Awakebutstillinbed, Combat, Equipment, Keep for Cheap, Kerosene Heights, Red Sun, Summerbruise, Tiny Voices, Bottom Bracket, boy clothes, Brain Weasels, Career Day, Cinema Stare, Clipboards, Dear Maryanne, The Dartmoors, Sidecho Records, Ellie Hart, Fend, Fetch Quest, Final Boss Fight, GET TUFF, Haunt Dog, Heccra, Later Gator, Leisure Hour, Moose Creek Park, Mud Whale, Nicoteens, ok cuddle, Rookie Park, Strelitzia, The Ed’s, Topiary Creatures, Ultra Deluxe, Waving, Wise Disguise, 32 Bit Operator, and 95Corolla. Fauxchella will take place at Howard’s Club in Bowling Green, Ohio on June 13-15.