Brian Setzer of Stray Cats diagnosed with autoimmune disease keeping him from playing guitar
Contributed by desertburst92, Posted by

Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats recently issued a sad update. He states that he was having trouble playing his guitar. It turns out that he has an auto-immune disease that prevents motion in his fingers. At one point, he couldn't even hold a pen, but has now seen some improvement.

Setzer stated: "Hi everybody, I just wanted to check in with you all. Towards the end of the last Stray Cats tour I noticed that my hands were cramping up. I’ve since discovered that I have an auto-immune disease. I cannot play guitar. There is no pain, but it feels like I am wearing a pair of gloves when I try to play. I have seen some progress in that I can hold a pen and tie my shoes. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I was at a point where I couldn’t even do that. Luckily, I have the best hospital in the world down the block from me. It’s called the Mayo Clinic. I know I will beat this, it will just take some time. I love you all, Brian"