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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring. We got a lot of questions about moshing this week. I have no idea why. Here's a handful:
Q: What are your feelings on moshing? and the lack of mosh 'etiquette' exhibited by the younger generations (*waves walking stick in an angry manner*) A:It's fun to watch and was fun to do when I was younger, but like a lot of folks I outgrew it. It's a phase for most music fans. That said, fake moshing at a show to music that wouldn't normally warrant such behavior was never, ever funny and never will be. So stop it. -Bryne Q: What's your opinion on girls in the pit. I don't want to be rough with them, but most times their rougher than me and most of the other guys there. (and yes it is emasculating, but whatever). A:Equal opportunity moshing. Don't be a pervert. Make sure everyone is having fun. -Justin
Q: speaking of moshing, do you hate mosh pit "directors" as much as i do? you know what im talking about, those assholes screaming open the pit and doing those stupid pit opening "everyone put your hands in" type of things, then they stay on the side? jerks. A:I would take 1,000 of those guys over the guy who feels it's his job to start a mosh pit in inappropriate places. You know what I'm talking about, guy who decides the very back of the club needs a circle pit. You too, dude who feels the need to run out of the pit and run through innocent bystanders in order to "spread the pit." I'm all for enjoying yourself but you know where these boundaries are. -Rich
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