Sunday Edition
Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Punknews content is syndicated to several social media networks and we're striving to provide you with quality, unique content and communications on each. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Buzz and MySpace. Add your photos to our Flickr Pool and they'll appear in the sidebar here on Punknews. Join our group and contribute your listening habits to our weekly charts. All of our high definition video footage can be found at Vimeo.

Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Favorite band t-shirt you own? A: Jawbreaker "when it pains" OG. Bought it off a 10-year-old customer's back at Hot Topic. True story. -Brian

Your trusty Punknews editors have all sorts of projects on the go. If you like what you see here do us a favour and pay a visit to Justin August's tumblog at, Rich Verducci's podcast Sound Scene Revolution, Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo, Adam White's tumblog at, Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated, and Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press. Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.

Where else are you online? Share your links below and keep connected with the Punknews community.

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Sunday Edition
July 18th, 2010

July 18th, 2010

Hello everybody and welcome to Navel Gazing: your look back at the week in Punknews. I'm Adam White and I'll be your guide through some of the most popular, notable, and otherwise attention getting stories of the past seven days. Each and every Punknews story is built from tips contributed by you fine folks, and here's what got the community talking this week:

With that we hand over this Sunday evening to you, the Punknews community. From that glorious, likely bearded rabble we've see the creation of everything from message boards and Punknews fantasy sports leagues to even a band or two. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll see you Monday…

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Sunday Edition
Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Punknews content is syndicated to several social media networks and we're striving to provide you with quality, unique content and communications on each. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Buzz and MySpace. Add your photos to our Flickr Pool and they'll appear in the sidebar here on Punknews. Join our group and contribute your listening habits to our weekly charts. All of our high definition video footage can be found at Vimeo.

Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Vinyl, CD, or Cassette: Which is your preferred method of listening to music?

Depends. For convenience alone, digital is the way to go and is definitely how I listen to music most of the time. Vinyl's great for when I'm lounging around Yancey Manor on a weekend afternoon and want to look at artwork and really EXPERIENCE an album, but its lack of portability makes it a lesser-used method. I really only listen to CDs when I'm driving and my iPod's battery has died, and I probably have about 15 of those left after purging.

So, long story longer, digital's the way to go. I think most of the staff feels the same. -Bryne

Your trusty Punknews editors have all sorts of projects on the go. If you like what you see here do us a favour and pay a visit to Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo, Rich Verducci's podcast Sound Scene Revolution, Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press and Intelligentsia, Adam White's tumblog at, Justin August's tumblog at, and Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated. Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.

Where else are you online? Share your links below and keep connected with the Punknews community.

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Sunday Edition
Think Big

Radio Free Punknews

Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of new music from recent or upcoming releases. Our latest additions include:

Also don't forget to check out the new full length from Collingswood, NJ-based Aspiga, the new 10" from Trenton, NJ's The Great Explainer, the new EP from Trenton, NJ's Minnesota's Calling, the new full length from Sister Kisser, the new EP from Washington, DC-based Police & Thieves, and the new release from Indianapolis, IN's Junker. You can find much more on the Punknews Music page.

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Sunday Edition
July 11th, 2010

July 11th, 2010

Hello everybody and welcome to Navel Gazing: your look back at the week in Punknews. I'm Adam White and I'll be your guide through some of the most popular, notable, and otherwise attention getting stories of the past seven days. Each and every Punknews story is built from tips contributed by you fine folks, and here's what got the community talking this week:

With that we hand over this Sunday evening to you, the Punknews community. From that glorious, likely bearded rabble we've see the creation of everything from message boards and Punknews fantasy sports leagues to even a band or two. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll see you Monday…

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Sunday Edition
Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Punknews content is syndicated to several social media networks and we're striving to provide you with quality, unique content and communications on each. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Buzz and MySpace. Add your photos to our Flickr Pool and they'll appear in the sidebar here on Punknews. Join our group and contribute your listening habits to our weekly charts. All of our high definition video footage can be found at Vimeo.

Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What happened to Rancid?

During the final crisis between the death of the Forth World and the ascension of the Fifth, Rancid was imprisoned in the Command-D Bunker in Blüdhaven. They escaped and Tim Armstrong made a once in a lifetime exception to his no firearms rule, shooting Darkseid with the same bullet used to kill Orion. As Darkseid is shot he fires back and hits Rancid with the Omega Sanction beams, forcing them to be reborn in the the past and lead increasingly horrible lives for all eternity.

That or they started hanging around with Skinhead Rob and shit got weird. -Adam

Your trusty Punknews editors have all sorts of projects on the go. If you like what you see here do us a favour and pay a visit to Rich Verducci's podcast Sound Scene Revolution. Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo, Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated, Adam White's tumblog at, Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press and Intelligentsia, and Justin August's tumblog at Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.

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Sunday Edition
Mischief Brew

Radio Free Punknews

Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of new music from recent or upcoming releases. Our latest additions include:

Also don't forget to check out the new solo full length from Kevin Seconds, the new LP from Philadelphia post hardcore upstarts Bearings, the newest album from Georgia's The Wild, the new 7" from Gainesville, FL's Liquid Limbs, the new full length from Cincinnati's The Dopamines, the new record from Hartford, CT-based (post-)melodic hardcore act Hostage Calm, the new full length from Lancaster, PA-based We Were Skeletons, and the American debut of Hamburg, Germany's Small Town Riot. You can find much more on the Punknews Music page.

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Sunday Edition
July 4th, 2010

July 4th, 2010

Hello everybody and welcome to Navel Gazing: your look back at the week in Punknews. I'm Adam White and I'll be your guide through some of the most popular, notable, and otherwise attention getting stories of the past seven days. Each and every Punknews story is built from tips contributed by you fine folks, and here's what got the community talking this week:

With that we hand over this Sunday evening to you, the Punknews community. From that glorious, likely bearded rabble we've see the creation of everything from message boards and Punknews fantasy sports leagues to even a band or two. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll see you Monday…

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Sunday Edition
Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

Punknews content is syndicated to several social media networks and we're striving to provide you with quality, unique content and communications on each. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Buzz and MySpace. Add your photos to our Flickr Pool and they'll appear in the sidebar here on Punknews. Join our group and contribute your listening habits to our weekly charts. All of our high definition video footage can be found at Vimeo.

Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Who's the future of punk rock?

All of you.

No, seriously. All of our readers are the future of punk rock. Either you're going to help decide what bands are tops by supporting them financially and creating a space where bands can play great music and be paid for it, or you're going to eventually get frustrated and start your own band that'll become everything that these other bands aren't.

Without the fans, there's no future for anything. And we've all learned about the power of natural selection: you, fans, are Mother Nature. And your critical ears are the future of punk rock.

Your trusty Punknews editors have all sorts of projects on the go. If you like what you see here do us a favour and pay a visit to Adam White's tumblog at, Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated, Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press and Intelligentsia, Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo, Justin August's tumblog at, and Rich Verducci's podcast Sound Scene Revolution. Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter.

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Sunday Edition
Radio Free Punknews

Radio Free Punknews

Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of new music from recent or upcoming releases. Our latest additions include:

Also don't forget to check out the new full length from NYC's The Challenged, the new EP from New Brunswick, NJ's Let Me Run, the new EP from Sacramento, CA-based Bastards Of Young, the new 7" from Gainesville, FL's Senders, a new song from Authority Zero titled "Break the Mold", and the new EP from Jersey City, NJ's Banquets. You can find much more on the Punknews Music page.

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Sunday Edition
You get a really good view of the burning cop car from the dock at the fake lake

June 27th, 2010

Hello everybody and welcome to Navel Gazing: your look back at the week in Punknews. I'm Adam White and I'll be your guide through some of the most popular, notable, and otherwise attention getting stories of the past seven days. Each and every Punknews story is built from tips contributed by you fine folks, and here's what got the community talking this week:

With that we hand over this Sunday evening to you, the Punknews community. From that glorious, likely bearded rabble we've see the creation of everything from message boards and Punknews fantasy sports leagues to even a band or two. So talk amongst yourselves and we'll see you Monday…

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