Clit 45 have decided to go on an indefinite hiatus, according to their MySpace. The band had this to say regarding the decision:
Well sir, we've been getting a plethora of emails asking us what the hell are we doing next and where are we playing and when are we playing and who are we playing with and everything else under the sun inquiring what our next misstep, mishap, or maneuver shall be. Well, lo and behold, a decision has been reached and it involves that vaguest of fence sitting, waffling, non committal phrases: Clit 45 is now on "indefinite hiatus."
The band released Self-Hate Crimes through BYO last year.
What does that mean? Well, it means, the band is on hiatus. Hiatus pretty much meaning no more live shows, tours, releases, interview, inquiries, etc…., for the time being. How long is this time being?
Indefinite. Maybe a day, maybe a month, probably longer than that. Who knows, maybe something ridiculously cool will come along and will jump right on board and play your crappy town tomorrow. Maybe we'll get inspired and cut a whole album next week. But I doubt it. I'm thinking more like months, a year, two, who knows?
Why? Long story short we need a break from the band and each other. This frees us up to do various musical and non-musical projects which we will keep the public informed about through our various means and abilities if we choose to do so.
Let me clarify, we are not breaking up. I can pretty much guarantee you'll see some Clit shows sometime down the line, not reunion shows, but genuine Clit 45 shows. There cannot be a reunion since there is no breakup. We do have some material that will eventually be recorded as well so I'm sure will see some future Clit releases. Just for now we gotta go our separate ways.
So, thanks to all the fans who supported us and still support us throughout all these ridiculously tumultuous, tepid, and transitory times. Thanks to BYO, past labels, or, actually, no, not those guys, just BYO Records, our assorted booking agents, managers, engineers, touring partners, touring managers, security guards, idiot road crew, many many past band members, well wishers, and so on. You all get a break for dealing with us. For now.
The myspace will still be maintained and checked infrequently, as it is now. All questions/emails regarding this hiatus will go unanswered. Don't ask why, when or how cause I just fuckin told you. Tah tah.